Wednesday, 14 March 2012

A glass of prosecco and a doughnut

Heck, it's been a busy two weeks.  After a long, very painful and largely unproductive labour on Leap Year's Eve, our lovely natural birth plan (largely built on yoga breathing, the power of positive thought and sheer bloody minded rejection of all things narcotic) fast went out the window and we ended up having an emergency c-section after pre eclampsia came on really quickly and our smaller baby started to struggle.  My fear of all things Caesarean meant I glossed through that section of the book in complete denial so I ended up going into surgery shaking, sobbing and petrified.  BUT all went just fine and our two gorgeous babies came out only a minute apart after just 5 minutes into surgery, yelling and in great shape.  Small but perfectly formed, we at last met Archie and Florence and fell instantly in love with them.  Flo went to the Special Care Baby Unit but returned after just a few hours so we could all be together for the first time.  Needless to say, there was much emotional sobbing and wondrous gazing at our little miracles.

Two weeks later (including almost a week's hospital stay to get their weight up), F&A are eating for Wales and England combined, are piling on the weight and have today beaten their birth weights.  We're just delighted at how they're doing and are more smitten every day.  Big sister Evie seems to have grown up over night and is fantastic with them, deciding she will now dress herself for nursery, clean her own teeth and get washed each morning.  Our families rally to support, help and cook for us, bless them.  

At the weekend, a dear and thoughtful friend sends me a touching text reminding me of the daunting journey we faced all those years ago when our chances of ever having a family looked extremely bleak.  I take a minute to thank my lucky stars and to be grateful for caring friends and family who have supported us through some tough times on that long journey.  And with my strange, infuriating and inexplicable pregnancy Coeliac symptoms now gone, I celebrate with the two things I've dreamed of for 9 months - a large glass of Prosecco and a jam doughnut.           

1 comment:

  1. Sob....sob...lovely post about great peeps!! hugs to you all xx
